One of the best restaurants in Harvard Square, Alden & Harlow, has what they call the “ubiquitous kale salad” on their menu. The name is tongue-in-cheek, but the salad itself is phenomenal. The greens themselves are all kale (something that can be hard to pull off), and there’s nothing else garnishing the leaves except a … Read more

Thai-Style Herb Salad with Grilled Chicken
Years ago, as a young professional right out of college (and making not as much as I wanted at my first real job), my cooking repertoire for homemade dinners was kinda limited. One of the big reasons I was afraid to (slash couldn’t afford to) branch out into more recipes was because I hadn’t really … Read more

Beet + Pomegranate Winter Salad
I brought this salad to a brunch where my friends and their brand-new babies were gathering on a recent chilly Sunday morning. With donuts, cheesy egg bakes, and mimosas on the menu, it helped to make a small contribution of vegetables. It can be tough for a salad to compete with all that, but people … Read more

Warm Brussels Sprouts Salad
Given that it’s been absolutely frigid for weeks on end, most of my cooking has been one of two things: long-simmering stove-top dishes or supplementing the heating in my apartment by turning on the oven, chopping some vegetables, and allowing them to roast all afternoon. With all the snow, and cold, and damp, cooking in … Read more

Fig and Goat Cheese Salad
This fig salad is a bridge between summer and fall: the weather is warm enough to warrant something light and easy for dinner, but seeing fresh figs for sale at the store signals the coming of chillier weather. For us here in Boston, a busy summer is melting into a busy fall. I’m settling into … Read more

Sliced Tomato Salad
September and August have been enveloped by two of the most expensive and time-consuming tasks I’ve ever taken on: wedding planning and graduate school. It’s been fun and challenging, and it’s so exciting to think about how different my life might be in a year from now, but it doesn’t leave a lot of time … Read more

Simple Chopped Summer Salad
On a Saturday morning back in July, my Recipe Redux post was supposed to go up along with other dietitians’ and healthy cooking bloggers’ recipes. Instead, I spent my weekend in New York City celebrating with my sister. We spent our afternoons noshing on sushi and Italian food (not at the same time), exploring her … Read more

Chinese Chicken Salad
Back when I was interning at Cook’s Illustrated last summer, this was one of my favorite dishes to test out in the kitchens. The test cooks would make batch after batch, making revisions and listening to our feedback as the process went along. The romaine and cabbage make this a colorful winter salad, but … Read more

Lentil & Sweet Potato Salad
I saw these beautiful French lentils at Whole Foods and had to take them home. I’ve never been a lentil fan, but I’m determined to start liking them. As with beans, I’ve been turned off by their grainy and sometimes mushy texture. But, as with getting kids to like veggies, you just have to keep … Read more