Sunday Morning Coffee: June 7, 2020

It’s been an intense past two weeks. I woke up last Sunday without the energy to figure out how to show up online in a way that wasn’t another voice in an echo chamber of white bloggers responding to the murder of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

The call this week is to keep showing up and showing outrage — this week and all the weeks to come. I’ve been thinking a lot about two aspects of the BLM protests: 1) how to carry the effort forward and make systemic changes because racism is embedded in our culture and institutions, and 2) how racism is a public health crisis and how the clinical and research communities can change. I’m percolating on an idea I hope to implement in the coming week or two, but for now, I’ll share one of the better books I’ve read on the topic that I’m not seeing in many other anti-racist readings lists: Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia by Sabrina Strings.

Here’s what I’ve been reading and cooking this week:

What I’ve Been Reading & Enjoying Recently:

On last Tuesday’s blackout postings

A Cup of Jo on working to be anti-racist and raising race-conscious children

Hither and Thither‘s resources for not being a silent bystander

Pretty Good resources for talking to your kids about race

Your Bookshelf May Be Part of the Problem by NPR

And remember how we’re still in the middle of a pandemic?

In the midst of all this, it’s felt rewarding to work towards being part of the solution (communication & tracing efforts – yay)

The most popular books people are reading during their quarantine

Coronavirus may be a blood vessel disease

Roxane Gay talks about how quarantine has solidified her relationship with her fiancee. Roxane also wrote a good column in the latest print issue of Bon Appetit, but I can’t find it online yet.

And some food-focused options this week:

The 2020 James Beard Media Award Winners

Voraciously’s Essential Cookbooks newsletter series (the first one is Nigella Lawson’s How to Eat, and I’m making the Lemon Linguine tonight)

Food and Wine’s Lemon, Poppy and Chevre Cheesecakes with Rhubarb.

What I’ve Been Cooking This Week:

Sunday: Red bell pepper pesto pasta (Cook’s Illustrated)
Monday: Leftovers
Tuesday: Chicken saltimbocca — made with fresh sage picked from the garden… a first for us this year! (Food & Wine) — highly recommended
Wednesday: Grilling outside — brats & hot dogs for the kids — paired with kale slaw salad from Trader Joe’s
Thursday: Coconut Apple Ginger Dal (Bon Appetit) — highly recommended
Friday: Burritos
Saturday: Leftovers

Up next:

Lemon linguine (Nigella Lawson)

Herby pasta with garlic and green olives with chicken (Bon Appetit)

Pork chops with tarragon sauce and cornichons (Bon Appetit) — the tarragon in the garden is also ready to use

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