How is everyone doing?
This has been quite a week as the urgency surrounding the coronavirus precautions intensified. It was midterms at school, and this week is spring break, which is nice now but was stressful last week as we were all trying to learn, study, and adapt simultaneously.
My dad also flew in for a visit, which started out fun and relaxed and evolved into a hunkered down visit and an early flight home. Now, I’m at home with the kids and looking to keep them relatively engaged. We’ll see how that goes. If anyone finds any resources or activities, please share! Right now, I’m looking to do a bit of reading, a bit of outside time or movement, some baking (the pic above is Will getting involved in a lemon merengue pie I made last week), arts & crafts, and the material on Scholastic’s learn-at-home website.
One of the stressful elements for me was figuring out how to grocery shop and meal plan. I did a decent job of getting some shelf-stable and easy-to-make options (in the event we all or some of us get sick… we won’t want to cook with fatigue and flu-like symptoms). But then I found myself questioning whether and how to get groceries for the current week, right now, or whether to start cooking with what I had on hand.